The premier Berlin Drum&Bass resource.


Friday 24.11.2023 23:00 Zur Klappe (Yorckstrasse 0, 10965 Berlin - Kreuzberg) Drum&Bass Garage/Grime/Dubstep HipHop/Rap/Trap Jungle


Deep in the underground layers of Mehringdamm, a rumble shakes the streets underfoot. A train perhaps ? The U6 ? Maybe the U7? Not this time! This is the rumble of a new crew about to F**K shit up.

A new DnB night with attitude run by some unapologetic FLINTA’s is here to shake up the scene. We are proud to present to you FACILITATE. Passionate about bass but sick of the boys running things (no offence boys). DJ NORTHERN and DJ Flounce decided that it was time to do it their way. Bad boy DnB but with a FLINTA twist. Thirsty for bass but yearning for a Femme delivery FACILITATE. Was born.

We are a femmes to the front and queer safe event space where we firmly believe in consideration to the space we take up on the dance floor. Privilege to be acknowledged. Care and kindness to be given. Moments to be shared. Mosh pit bros to the back. You are welcome here but take note of the above! Any kind of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination, aggressive or predatory behaviour won’t be tolerated. We want to create a safe space where people can feel love, be free and feel safe.

Can’t wait to see you all there! Much love, Your FACILITATE. gals xoxo

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