BBS and Hgn.picnics.brln at Anzen Späti
This will be a DnB dayrave at a lovely späti in Berlin-Neuköln, the ANZEN SPÄTI. We will deliver some fresh vibes from 14:00 to 22:00 (CET).
Berlin Bass Spectrum crew: Plugin Ears / Hovercat / Ivana / CP4C
Hgn.picnics.brln crew: KaraKara / Pjiepox
friends: DJ Agem (Blasted DnB) / Jim Bean (CX Recordings)
Come join us, grab a beer, a snack or whatever and enjoy the späti vibes with us.
Entry is free!
Location: Anzen Späti, Anzengruberstraße 24, 12043 Berlin Instagram: @anzenspaeti24